Hildur að standa sig vel í skólanum
Núna er síðasti dagurinn hennar Hildar í James Gillespie's High School og það hittir þannig á að þessi önn er líka að klárast hjá þeim. Í næstu viku byrja s.s. ný önn og hefði hún færst upp á fjórða ár þá ef hún hefði haldið áfram. En í gær kom hún heim með "Report" eða umsögn sem gerði mömmuna alveg afskaplega stolta, já hreinlega að springa úr monti yfir stelpunni sinni. Ég ætla að leyfa ykkur að heyra hvað kennararnir höfðu um hana að segja og hvaða heildareinkunn hún fékk í hverju fagi. Hérna er einkunnagjöfin allt öðruvísi en heima en svona í grunninn þá er gefið frá 1-10 þar sem 1 er hæst!!!
English: 3
Hildur is doing amazingly well considering English is not her first language. Her performance in the recent Close Reading test was excellent. She has done well in group presentations.
History: 1
Hildur is an excellent student making excellent progress in history. Her written work is always detailed and complete. She has mastered in Enquiry Skills we have covered so far and she has very strong factual knowledge. Her written work is well expressed and presented. When she feels confident, she answers very well in class -well done!
Physics: 3
Hildur is improving in this subject by the day. She is finally gaining in confidence and this is having a very pleasing effect on her test scores. Her understanding of the subject is excellent, she provides excellent answers verbally, and with a little more experience I hope we can work on translating this to written answering. An excellent year this year; well done Hildur!
Art and Design: 1
Hildur continues to make excellent good progress in Art and Design. She is a quiet but keen and conscientious pupil who always works hard and strives to do well. Hildur gained a 1 for her Design Unit, producing an imaginative and well modelled Pumbaa mask, a 1/2 for expressive work produced to date-her card painted church painting was particularly successful, and a 1 for her two critical essays.
Geography: 1
I have been very impressed with Hildur's commintment to the course. She works hard and has very well laid out notes. She also has a keen grasp of the topics we study coupled with a good background knowledge and she is happy to discuss her ideas. She did very well at the recent Industry assessment, especially in terms of comprehending the questions.
I am convinced tha Hildur can continue to make good progress in Geography. As long as she maintains her lively interest in the world she lives in and remains motivated to do well then there should be few diffculties for her in ther future studies.
Svo fékk hún 3 í Stærðfræði og 3 í líffræði og voru aðal kommentin þar að hún vinnur vel í tímum en væri helst til feimin og bæði ekki nógu oft um aðstoð.
Við fórum á Pizza Hut í gærkvöldi til að halda upp á þessar flottu einkunnir og umsagnir :)
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