
Hvað segir smekkur minn á súkkulaði um mig?

Ja ég veit ekki hvort þetta er allt saman satt, allavega ekki þetta með að mér líki illa að vera ein, það er eiginlega alveg á öndverðu meiði við mig :)

What Your Taste in Chocolate Says About You

You are unique, creative, and fascinating.

You don't do what's expected of you.

You go for what's unknown and uncharted.

You are passionate and full of life.

You fall in love easily, and you tend to have whirlwind relationships.

Your passion sometimes does get the better of you. You have a crazy temper!

You love being around people. Friendships are important to you.

You feel lost when you're by yourself... so you tend to avoid being alone.


Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

Hvar er Prúðuleikaraprófið?? Þorðir þú ekki??

05 maí, 2008 11:33  
Blogger Anna Malfridur said...

jú jú ok, ég skal þora....

05 maí, 2008 12:55  

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